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Our donors are partners in the Mission supporting L’Arche Toronto to make known the gifts of persons with disabilities through innovative, affordable programming, to respond to the changing needs of our members with supports not funded by government grants, and to engage with diverse partners to build a vibrant city where everyone is valued and belongs.

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If you have any further questions, please contact:

John Guido

Development Coordinator
416-406-2869 X35

community member painting the sun in the window

The Government of Ontario provides funding towards basic structures such as staffing, however your donation will support important activities and programs that are not funded by the government, all of which contribute to L’Arche’s unique approach to providing care for adults with intellectual disabilities and fostering an intentional community.

photo of community members working on a zoom call

Monthly giving allows you to spread your donation throughout the year and make a continuous commitment to the L’Arche Toronto community. Monthly giving also makes a positive difference by maintaining stable funding for our community in serving the needs of our core members.

If you would prefer to sign up for monthly giving with withdrawals directly from your bank account, please get in touch with John Guido at

Two smiling community members

Honour a special person by making a donation to acknowledge a special event such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary or a job well done. L’Arche Toronto will send a tribute card on your behalf which you can personalize by adding your own message. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.

in memory photo of lilys

Making a tribute gift is a thoughtful way to honour the memory of a family member or friend who has died. L’Arche Toronto will send a memorial card on your behalf which you can personalize by adding your own message. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.

Photo of people doing a writing activity.

A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give charitably since the capital gains tax does not apply. Your security or mutual fund donation means a larger donation for L'Arche Toronto and it also means a larger charitable tax receipt for you. Please call Caroline or use the Canada Helps button above. 


You can use the power of your will to change the world with a charitable gift while still supporting those you love.

Sample Bequest Language

LArche-Toronto-Sample-Bequest-Language-for-Will.pdf (

Privacy Policy
We take precautions to protect your information. We collect credit card or bank account information, names, addresses, and other data related to your transaction when you make a payment. We use this information to process your payment. L’Arche Toronto does not share or sell your information. As a donor you may ask that your name be listed as anonymous in our Annual Report by contacting

L'Arche Toronto Homes Inc. is funded by:

Logo for Ontario Ministry of Children, community and social services
Logo for Ontario Trillium
Logo for Toronto Foundation

Cheques made out to L’Arche Toronto Homes Inc. may be mailed to 186 Floyd Avenue, Toronto ON M4J 2J1 Attention: Development

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